Bouquet code B55

LE 1,380.00 LE 1,200.00

We present to you an elegant wedding bouquet design. This stunning bouquet consists of light blue roses, white roses, small calla lilies, adorned with handmade rhinestones and pearls, making it perfect for brides who desire a chic appearance. Features: Perfect Floral Blend: The bouquet includes light blue roses, white roses,...

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We present to you an elegant wedding bouquet design. This stunning bouquet consists of light blue roses, white roses, small calla lilies, adorned with handmade rhinestones and pearls, making it perfect for brides who desire a chic appearance.


  • Perfect Floral Blend: The bouquet includes light blue roses, white roses, small calla lilies, and handmade rhinestones and pearls, adding variety and beauty.

  • Large Size: With a 25 cm size, it provides a prominent presence, ideal for wedding photos and for carrying with grace.

  • Elegant Design: A harmonious blend of colours and types, offering a classic and romantic touch to your wedding day.

This bouquet is perfect for brides on their wedding day. It can also be used for engagement parties or as an elegant decoration at special events. Its luxurious appearance adds a memorable touch to every moment.

Order and Shipping:

How to Order:
You can easily order your wedding bouquet through our website. Choose your favourite design and complete the purchase process smoothly.

Shipping and Delivery:
We offer fast shipping within Egypt's governorates. The bouquet is carefully packaged to ensure it arrives in excellent condition.