Bouquet Code B22
We present to you a luxurious wedding bouquet that reflects elegance and simplicity with its stunning design.This bouquet features silicone tulip flowers paired with artificial baby’s breath. With a size of 27 cm, it’s a perfect choice for a distinctive look on your special day. Features: Elegant and Modern Design:...
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We present to you a luxurious wedding bouquet that reflects elegance and simplicity with its stunning design.
This bouquet features silicone tulip flowers paired with artificial baby’s breath. With a size of 27 cm, it’s a perfect choice for a distinctive look on your special day.
- Elegant and Modern Design: A harmonious blend of soft silicone tulips and artificial baby’s breath offers a chic and natural appearance.
- High-Quality Materials: The silicone tulips feature a realistic look and soft touch that lasts long.
- Ideal Size: At 27 cm, it provides a perfect balance between a prominent presence and easy handling.
- Perfect for brides on their wedding day to add a touch of elegance and beauty.
- Suitable for engagement parties or as a sophisticated décor piece for special occasions.
- Enhances photo aesthetics and creates unforgettable moments.
How to Order and Ship:
- How to Order: You can order this bouquet by adding the product to the cart and completing your details effortlessly.
- Shipping and Delivery: We provide fast shipping within Egypt, with careful packaging to ensure the bouquet arrives in perfect condition.
Bouquet Code B22