Bouquet Code B37

LE 750.00 LE 680.00

We present to you a unique and elegant wedding bouquet inspired by the beauty of nature.This bouquet features a combination of almond flowers and mauve grass, adding a touch of charm and modern colors to your special day. With a size of 25 cm, this bouquet is perfect for a...

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We present to you a unique and elegant wedding bouquet inspired by the beauty of nature.
This bouquet features a combination of almond flowers and mauve grass, adding a touch of charm and modern colors to your special day. With a size of 25 cm, this bouquet is perfect for a bright and graceful look.


  • Unique Materials: A blend of almond flowers and mauve grass offers a modern and elegant vibe.
  • Perfect Size: 25 cm, ideal for photos and comfortable to carry throughout the day.
  • Attractive Design: Harmonized colors add a lively and sophisticated touch to your look.


  • Perfect for brides on their wedding day to complete their outstanding look.
  • Ideal for engagement parties or as an elegant decoration for special occasions.
  • Enhances the festive atmosphere and adds a distinctive charm to your memorable moments.

How to Order and Ship:

  • How to Order: You can order this bouquet by adding the product to the cart and completing your details effortlessly.
  • Shipping and Delivery: We provide fast shipping within Egypt. The bouquet is carefully packaged to ensure it arrives in perfect condition.